Friday, November 2, 2007

Rebel with a cause!

As i sit to jot this down.. the events of the evening seem so unrealistic..untrue..
one thing I can conclude is that.. in today's world people are so obsessed with power that they want to bring to bear power and control within millimeter of their clutches..

Now-a-days it seems to be criminal, if you decide to live life on your bold terms with giving no damn to the world around.. the so-called society around will try the level best to drag you down.. dampen your morale.. snip of your wings.. This is to ensure that no one ever dares to contadict the age old mob mentality..

This story has been the part of the past, is a parcel of present and will be the gift of the future.. No matter what is been said or done.. the mob mentality persist to exist.. maiming the sovereignty of the unchained soul..

What disturbs the most that even people whome you love and who claim to love you back.. look down on you.. labelling your thoughts as waste.. your opinions as unworthy.. your choices as drag.. your ideas as bizarre.. the only explaination for this is that they lack a spine to snub the norms and the mores.. they fear your standing out of the crowd.. your entitlement of the rightful attention..

despite of all this, I choose to differ.. I opt to rebel but with a cause.. keeping my promise.. not to bow down to the norm.. after all, rules are meant to broken.. and in the process of doing so.. even if i become a social outcast.. i really have no regrets.. nothing better than being rejected by the society, I never accepcted..

Waking down this lane.. in real sense.. is no path of roses.. doing this not only invites wrath of the society but also many fancy names which I have no desire to mention.. I plainly dont regard to abide with the usual norms of the populace.. I do not agree that pink is the new black.. how the hell a hideous color like that take the throne of the classic regal- Black.. I do not agree the need for a formal name for belife in the supreme being.. naming the Divine, is as good as contaminating him.. and the list goes on and is inexhaustible..

My message to the power hungry social order.. continue the way you wish to.. there are still the souls left to defy the belifes and still manage to thrive on their own terms.. The culture can force them to bend and provisionally force the acceptance of the norm.. but shall and will fail to weed out the rebel gene in them.. failing to so-called normalize them.. and therein lies the victory of the rebels.. achieving their cause!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Mouthful of Sky...

Date: Sept 1st 2007.
Location: Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

This date may never be forgotten by me till the last breath of my life. the reason may still be unknow to me, but for sure, this was the best birthday gift i ever had.. A mouthful of sky..

This was one among the treks of my life that i might term as 'Risky' but if we go to conclude in the real worldly sense, the only word to do justice is, the F word.. 'Fatal'.

The feeling of being one with the Mother nature, was an overwhelming experience. Almost after living in those concrete jungles, day in and day out.. the emerald green world pushed me in a kind of a cultural shock.. but later when the realization dawned, it was a sense of truer belonging.. like that of a child towards the maternal goddess..

Along my path in the deep woods.. never was a moment of hesitation.. not a itch of doubt.. instead it was the same feeling of meeting a old cronies.. but with a bit of guilt for being away for a while..and as the blood ties make you feel at home, the woods welcomed me in their green arms, the lush soft heart and with an awe of innocence, which now surprise me as i relive that experience, i returned the embrace.

Down the up trail of the mountain range, along with the human accompanies, i was blessed with the companionship of the natural world.. the soothing music of the wind was honeyed potion to these chaos-deafened ears.. the unsullied air was elixir to the city's deadened lungs.. the movements of the wild were so lively and real.. unlike that of the so-called homo sapiens.. mechanical and menial..

It is truly said by someone very wise.."When the mouth shuts, mind speaks".. as i walked along the woods, in a comforting silence.. i became well aware of my surroundings.. the rustling of the branches.. the crunch of the leaves under the shoe.. the fragrance of a distant bloom.. the ripple of the stream.. all this was so real and endearing that now as i write this.. the atmosphere around me seems to unreal, artificial..

What i really shall remember of this trek.. is that special for which all the hardships, the hurt, the pain seems worthless.. is that view from the peak.. that was the feeling I'm so glad having felt.. head up in the cloud! and this time.. this was not just a phrase.. but in true sense of words..
i experienced, what they call as, 'Heaven on earth'.. with clouds around me, i was so sure.. this moment or the next, I'll see an angel..

After breathing in the air of victory and accomplishment.. a deep sense of tranquillity filled me..
the cold, moist clouds comforted my burning skin.. i laid my windcheater on the lush green ground.. taking my backpack as a pillow.. eagle-spread.. i began searching the horizons of the azure heavens.. eventually had A Mouthful of Sky..

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The better half...


When sitting in solitude, alone, following the trail of a stray thought...out of blue i wonder...when breathing our last..who's will the face we see through the mystified vision, the blurred sight?
for sure it will be the two pious figures who brought us into shape and form, giving life to a the contureless organism, making a Strong, never ending attempt to humanize that has to be them..

But after them what we see are not the faces of the relations the so-called society chose for us...
or the bonds imposed on us...but the face of that shimmering heart..which made a sincere, honest attempt to reach out when we really needed someone... touching us somewhere deep... and opening a whole new world in us... whose existence... was either denied or was unseen... whatever maybe the case... we cant help but marvel at the beautiful sight of that world of dreams... of the silly thoughts... of the laughter... of the mischief’s... of the talks... of the stoic silence... of the new beginning... of the dead end...

Everyone, at some point in life, has that someone...our better half... for whom the commitments are never forced, imposed... promises are not made for the sake of it... smiles are never fake... and along in their company, emotions flow like a broken dam...
And that someone... well aware of all those emotions stirring in you... but be it it pride... or plainly be it the love for your world... that person chooses the path of silence... with a knowing smile dancing on their lips... and the mischievous glint of pride for you in their eye...

they, at a point, even from your breathing pace... read the thoughts on your mind...and at the other point, they are comfortably numb... while you yell like house on fire... and this is what make them special... and due to this... they easily fly off taking a chunk off your heart...

The restrictions of time and space never come in such pure relations of two souls... just a smile can lead to an endless sting of conversation... the sleepless nights, glued to the phone... calling just to say goodnight at 3 am!... strolling along with dreams, fantasies in tow... sharing of lunch... crazy long walks and the roadside snacks... and the constant recollection of the memories of the moments spent together... and a closet filled with their stuff, borrowed by you... still awaiting its return...

Everyone of us... do find their better half... in form of a friend... a beloved... a lover... a spouse... a sibling... a neighbor... a parent... a child... or if we are lucky enough... a strange yet perfect combination of all of the above... whatever may be the case... the point of importance is... making the best of what we have with them making fond memories... before the grains of time slip through our fingers... and just the blissful recollection left of the past to cling on...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Our life and time...

Time of your life - Green day.

"Its something unpredictable but in the end it's right...i hope you had the time of your life.."

this seems to be the song of my heart of the very rare songs... soulful..serene..sagacious..

the six-string's strumming and a honest crooning voice makes this song simple yet irresistible...
this song was a pleasant surprise by the American punk rock asteroids.. this song simply sings what life is in real sense of words...

"its not a question but a lesson learnt in time..."

this song chases the haste and chaste of our lives today and urges us to slow down and take a breather.. open your eyes and smell the roses.. feel the rhythm of the rain kissing your skin instead running for shelter...feel your lover's pulse, when in their embrace, without glancing at the time-piece... really trying to listen when a friend is speaking and not planning replies or point of defence...believing in the power of love, touching a life and lifting a soul.. quit playing the blame-game and accepting the responsibilities of your deeds...

"so take the photographs and still frames in your mind...hang it on the good health and good time.."

one will be blind and numb, if they fail to realise this meaning. we have one lifetime, enjoy the journey instead of worrying on reaching the destination..i if you'll surely miss the fun of getting there and end up having nothing but a futile voyage..

so jump in driver's seat, take the control...cling to love holding the memories tight... paste the smile and kiss the tears... put on the seat belt...and zoom to the horizon...


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The goddess of big words and her oracle...

the god of small things...

this book, not just another one, (mind it!) by Arundati a gem in all sense of words..

not just a book but a journey in its own..there are very few book, which, through their simple yet Strong words,

inspire you to a limit that despite of turning the many pages of it's other counterparts, you still keep on returning to it..savouring it like the very own mom's recipe.. and the god of small things is one of this kind.

the words, the story, the theme and most important, the simplicity is the Essenes that binds me to this book so closely that i can see the drama happening in me and it rocks me to its rhythm.
the two kids- Rachel and Estha..'the Di zygotic', 'the two-egg twins' are the characters around whom the story revolves. these are the little people who have really touched my heart mainly due to some of my personal longings. what really moist my eye is the love of the describe more aptly, i better quote Roy's words..."they knew each other before life begin"..."estha and rachel thought of themselves together as Me and separately, individually, as We or Us. as though a rare breed of Siamese twins, physically separate but with joint identities."... seeing this beautiful bond, how i wish i shared such bond with someone...
Roy has woven a magical thread that inter vines the innocence of childhood and the stark reality of life. the lessons life taught the twins were accidental, seemingly innocent yet that altered their life in a way that there was no turning back. its true with all of us... sometimes in our piggyback ride- and-ice lollies days we learn certain things, in a rather harsh way and the images of the moments are pasted on our memories till we let out our last breath... this book, in a subtle way, emphasises the fact that it is not always true that things stay same, come what may.. after all change is the only constant thing..
this book, for me, is like a bridge. the bridge between the naivety of the childhood and the realisation of loss of the adulthood..the bridge which many among us, burn down, just to uphold the star-value of sanity and burdening their hearts with the unspoken guilt and stifled cries...